Actress Hunter Tylo 45, lost her 19 year old son Mickey on October 18. Apparently Tylo's son was in town to take one last high school exam, and to vist his 17 year old girlfriend, Stephanie Rivero. Mickey was pronounced dead at 11:55 Thursday night after he was found floating fully clothed in the families backyard swimming pool. Mickey's cause of dealth has been ruled an accidental drowning following a seizure.
“The last time I heard his voice was Thursday [October 18] around 6 a.m.,” Rivero, 17, tells Us. “I was going to come over, but he told me he was tossing and turning all night. He couldn’t sleep, and when he doesn’t sleep, he gets seizures. I told him I’d call him in an hour. He said, ‘I love you.’ And I said, ‘I love you too.” But Rivero never reached Michael again. At around 8 p.m., his half-brother Christopher, 26, found Michael’s body in the pool. “It was an accident,” a rep for the Clark County, Nevada, coroner’s office tells Us. Rivero remembers Michael’s sense of humor most of all. “He was full of life and so funny. He didn’t even have to try. He just was.”