Angelina Jolie

Where do I begin.. My dismay with Angelina is "why is she photographed more with her adopted kids, then her own biological child? Granted,
I did go out of my way to find a photo with Angelina and Shiloh together and there you go. However, I am still disturbed by her unnecessary remarks about how she feels about Shiloh. Angelina admits she's more partial towards her adopted children. "I think I feel so much more for Madd and Zee because they're survivors, they came through so much. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I have less inclination to feel for her... I met my other kids when they were six months old, they came with a personality. A newborn really is this... yes, a blob! But now she's starting to have a personality... I am conscious that I have to make sure I don't ignore her needs, just because the other's are more vulnerable." I really hope you were joking, or just not in your right mind at the time. Why should your biological child suffer just because she was born to you. Why don't you adopt a child from the Good Ol' USA, like California. There are so many children that need, and want homes here. Another thing, were you, or were you not close to your Mom??? Don't you want Shiloh to be close to you??? Call me crazy, but I see history repeating it self with you.... You resent you dad.... Shiloh grows up resenting you!!! "I don't know, Just A thought." "Something to ponder!"